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Catherine Rose

I am a graduate of Emerson College in Boston, MA. I am a trained dancer and a former jazz dancer. I know how to play the clarinet and I am a figure-skater. My favorite color is baby blue and my lucky number is 8. My favorite food is pizza. To be more specific, my favorite food is cheese pizza. It is so hard to go wrong with the most basic of pizzas.

I have too many interests and I get easily distracted, so I haven’t completed a single thing in my life. I love baking cupcakes and I am a huge fan of shows like MasterChef, Cupcake Wars, Amazing Wedding Cakes and Bridezillas. I write the beginnings of too many novels. I am driven by ambition and delayed by perfectionism.

I would like to travel the world, learn from others, write some best sellers, and have a restaurant or bakery someday.

My favorite shows include The Vampire Diaries, Degrassi, Pretty Little Liars, 90210 and The Lying Game.

I am afraid of heights and I love to write. If I could be in two places at once, be immortal and own an invisibility cloak I would. I’m convinced my letter to Hogowarts is lost in the mail, and I am certain that the sorting hat will place me in Griffindor.

I want an epic adventure like Elizabeth Gilbert or Cheryl Strayed. I’m _ years old and am not where I thought I would be at this age. I am not married or happy or in love and I do not have kids. I do not have a full time job and I’m stuck in limbo. Although there is one thing of which I am certain; one day it will all work out.

2 thoughts on “Staff

  1. You left a LIKE on our blog so I thought I’d stop by. After I read your bio, I began wondering if we’d crossed paths locally. Our 17 y.o. daughter is a dancer (Deborah Mason, in Cambridge), loves hoofing, has taken workshops with Ebony Williams, etc. And there’s Rialto and Trade. Anyway, good luck with the book. Ken

    • It’s possible we crossed paths; although Boston and its boroughs are huge. It is a lovely city though.

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